Switzerland- M&A Statistics

M&A Information about Switzerland. In this section, we provide you some information about M&A with regards to national transactions within Switzerland and cross-border M&A from and to Switzerland. The IMAA Insitute offers full individual and corporate members additional prepared research covering a broad range of topics.

M&A Switzerland – Mergers & Acquisitions Switzerland

In this section of the M&A statistics, we collect and regularly update information on national deals as well as cross-border transactions from (outbound) and into (inbound) Switzerland. As a free user or paying member of our Institute, you have full access and can also download this M&A data (please see our Membership section to sign in or to register).

Announced M&A in Switzerland by Numbers & Value by Years

Since 1991, more than 14’400 mergers & acquisitions transactions have been announced with a known value of almost 1’300 bil. EUR. In 2007, a new record has been broken in terms of transaction value with 132 bil. EUR. The record of number of deals took place in 2008 where more than 1’000 transactions had been announced.

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Announced Monthly M&A in Switzerland

In August 2016, 52 transactions with a value of 3.15 bil. EUR have been announced. Compared with August last year, this represents an increase of +20.9% in terms of numbers and an increase of +80% in value. The month with the highest number of deals was May 2008 with 120 deals and the month with the highest value was August 2007 with a value of 71.25 bil. EUR.

The month with the highest frequency of deals is December with 1’461 deals which represents 10.1% of all M&A. August is the month with the lowest frequency with 984 transactions which are 6.8% of the deals.

The month with the highest value of deals is August with 153.5 bil. EUR of deals which represents 12.1% of all M&A transactions. And September is the month with the lowest value with transactions worth 61.3 bil. EUR which are 4.8% of all deals.

Announced Quarterly M&A in Switzerland

Announced M&A in Switzerland by Industries (2000-2016)

The industry with the largest M&A activity in terms of transaction value has been the materials sector – representing 23.9% of all deals with a total value of  243.4 bil. EUR. Second most important industry by value is the healthcare sector with 208.2 bil. EUR worth of transactions. The financial industry reached the third rank with 176.7 bil. EUR of deals.

The industry with the largest number of transactions has been Industrials– representing 18.7% with a total number of over 2086 transactions. The second most active acquirers are companies from High Technology with 1370 deals accounting for 12.3% of transactions. Financial companies are the third most frequent industry in terms of consolidation with 11.6% of all deals. 

Largest M&A Deals in Switzerland

RankDateAcquirorNationTargetNationValue (in bil. USD)Value (in bil. EUR)Value (in bil.GBP)Status
Spin-offSwitzerlandPhilip Morris Intl Inc
107.21.2008Roche Holding AGSwitzerlandGenentech IncUnited States46.6929.3223.31Completed
202.03.2016CNAC Saturn (NL) BVNetherlandsSyngenta AGSwitzerland44.1840.4330.66Pending
302.02.2012Glencore International PLCSwitzerlandXstrata PLCSwitzerland37.4429.2123.39Completed
403.07.1996Sandoz AGSwitzerlandCiba0Geigy AGSwitzerland30.0923.9619.67Completed
Janssen Holding GmbH
Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
607.01.2015ACE LtdSwitzerlandChubb CorpUnited States28.5325.8118.28Completed
704.07.2008Novartis AGSwitzerlandAlcon IncSwitzerland27.7317.6513.95Completed
812.08.1997Union Bank of SwitzerlandSwitzerlandSchweizerischer BankvereinSwitzerland23.0120.6913.87Completed
904.07.2014Holcim LtdSwitzerlandLafarge SAFrance20.6219.0513.79Completed
Spin-offSwitzerlandBritish American Tobacco PLC
United Kingdom19.8312.9310.2Completed

Announced M&A from Switzerland to Abroad (Outbound)

In 2016, Swiss companies have announced almost 286 acquisitions worth 26.7 bil. EUR. Compared with the year before the numbers have increased by +1% and their value has decreased by -35.7%.

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Switzerland Acquisitions Abroad by Target Nation (2000-2016)

Below you will find a map of the number and value of transactions by Swiss companies abroad. Swiss companies acquire most companies in the Germany, the United States, France and the UK.

Switzerland M&A Abroad by Numbers

Switzerland M&A Abroad by Value (in bil. EUR)

M&A by Foreign Acquirers into Switzerland (Inbound)

In 2016, 159 deals by foreign companies into Switzerland have been announced. Compared with the year before the numbers have increased by +9.7% and their value has increased by +6.4%.  

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Acquisitions by Foreign Companies into Switzerland by Acquirer Nation (2000-2016)

Below you will find maps of the numbers and value of transactions from foreign companies in Switzerland. Most frequent acquirers into Switzerland come from Germany, the United States, France and the UK.

Map of Foreign M&A into Switzerland by Numbers

Map of Foreign M&A into Switzerland by Value (in bil. EUR)

Announced M&A from Switzerland into the US

Since 1985, Swiss companies have announced more than 847 acquisitions in the US with a total value of over 236 bil. EUR. Last year 48 deals had been announced which is an increase of +2.1% compared to 2015.

Announced M&A from the US into Switzerland

Since 1985, companies from the US have announced more than 642 acquisitions with a total value of over 117 bil. EUR. So Swiss companies have made more transactions in the US than US companies in Swiss. Last year 35 deals had been announced which is an increase of +59% compared to 2015.

Announced M&A from Switzerland into China and Hong Kong

Since 2003, companies from Switzerland have announced more than 82 acquisitions with a total value of over 3.79 bil. EUR. Last year 4 deals had been announced which is an increase of +100% compared to 2015.

Announced M&A from China and Hong Kong into Switzerland

Since 2003, companies from China and Hong Kong have announced more than 44 acquisitions with a total value of over 6.48 bil. EUR. Last year 12 deals had been announced which is an increase of 71.5% compared to 2015.

Announced M&A from Switzerland into Germany

Since 1991, companies from Switzerland have announced more than 1116 acquisitions with a total value of over 25 bil. EUR. Last year 60 deals had been announced which is an increase of +20% compared to 2015.

Announced M&A from Germany into Switzerland

Since 1991, companies from Germany have announced more than 908 acquisitions with a total value of over 42.5 bil. EUR. Last year 22 deals had been announced which is a decrease of -40.5% compared to 2015.

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Unless otherwise stated source for all statistics is: Thomson Financial, Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA) analysis.

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