I have never seen “review past experience” on an integration plan.
Given all of the literature out there on M&A failures, value destruction post acquisition and even past acquisitions at the same company, would it make sense to have this as a standard item for.the PMI team to consider in formulating their plan?
I think it is good to have and a great practice, though my company did it only when something went wrong then the Board will chase to M&A manager to answer what has happend.
The first time I saw this was in the course I just completed, and I will definitely be adding it to my due processes moving forward. Lessons learned from past failures are the best way to grow and not make the same mistake. I think the complication lies with smaller companies that are going through their first transaction – they may not have that history to learn from.
I would echo Roy’s response. I have found these to be incredibly valuable, but have generally only seen them done when things go wrong. Given how different each M&A experience is, there is value in taking a minute to understand why something worked well in one deal versus another. Was is driven by culture, size, scale, etc? This will elevate the team to not only understand the lessons learned, but also how to best apply them moving forward.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be enough public information out there but rather company’s take note when something went wrong previously for moving forward as an internal guide. Has anyone seen anything published that I may be missing?