If someone knowledgeable about the the sale process using an investment banker can chime in, I’d like to understand exactly what their deliverables are, typically. It is my understanding that provide (1) a teaser document, blasted out to the investor community to get initial indications of interest (is there a common term for this); (2) a Confidential Information Memorandum that is shared with serious suitors; (3) a Management Presentation that covers much of the same information, but in additional detail.
When vendor due diligence is conducted, does it result in an actual separate report(s), or does it basically just consist of anticipating buyer requests for documents and posting them in the data room (plus, perhaps, a QOE report prepared at the buyer’s expense)? The DD modules blurred the lines between vendor DD and purchaser DD, so it is unclear to me exactly what the scope and depth of a report summarizing vendor DD would look like.