Study – Impact of COVID on Private Equity in Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Studie – Auswirkungen und Folgen von Covid auf Private Equity


Summary of Key Findings


On March 19 & 20, 2019 we ran a survey with 400 participants from Private Equity in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Please find below the summary of the key findings:

  • More than 85% of participants expect that GDP will decrease, 75% expect that decrease to be more than 1%.
  • The following industries may be hit the most:
    • Automotive and Automotive Suppliers,
    • Machinery,
    • Transportation,
    • Logistics and Tourism, and
    • Textile.
  • The following industries may benefit the most:
    • Pharmaceutical,
    • Food & Beverage, and
    • Telecommunications.
  • 70% of respondents see a high impact on their current M&A processes.
  • 65% forecast a short-term drop in deals and transactions.
  • With regards to their investment behavior they are split: 50% plan to take advantage of opportunities and continue to invest, while the other 50% look at postponing investments.
  • As a reaction to the current deal environment, 60% plan to use more flexible contract mechanism and deal structuring (e.g. purchasing price, working capital, etc.)
  • The majority will stay away from industries affected by KONJUKTUR and look for supply chain security with their new investments.
  • Investors expect less availability of debt financing when structuring deals, a temporary delay in deal processes, and will put more focus on existing portfolio companies.

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