In The News

The Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances is a not-for-profit think tank and the only globally recognized association for M&A.

Our faculty and M&A experts are frequently sought after commentators in international media. Among the renown newspapers are Financial Times, Le Monde, New York Time and Wall Street Journal, news agencies like Bloomberg, Dow Jones, and Thomson Reuters or Television as Bloomberg and CNN. Below you find a collection of our faculty and Institute “in the news”.

IMAA and Faculty in the News

D.Boerse, NYSE ramp up lobbying amid EU concerns over merger

by Reuters Deutsche Boerse and NYSE Euronext have stepped up their lobbying with an advertising campaign to pressure EU regulators and secure approval for their $9 billion merger. [...] Read more

Open Article

Unternehmen sind auf der Suche nach Zukäufen

by Wirtschaftsblatt Glaubt man den Ankündigungen der Firmenchefs, dann müsste es heuer ein echtes Boom-Jahr bei Übernahmen und Fusionen werden. In der Realität ist davon noch nicht so viel zu spüren.[...] Read more

Open Article

Der Markt für Fusionen und Übernahmen kommt bisher nicht richtig in Schwung

Glaubt man den Ankündigungen der Firmenchefs, dann müsste es heuer ein Boom-Jahr bei Übernahmen und Fusionen werden. Die Realität sieht nach den ersten sechs Monaten aber ganz anders aus. Nach den krisenbedingt mageren Jahren im Geschäft mit Fusionen und Akquisitionen (M&A) und den wieder gut gefüllten Kriegskassen der Unternehmen sind zwar viele auf der Suche ... Read more

Open Article

Privatization plan – Greece is a paradise for gamblers

Griechenland will sich von großen Teilen seines Staatsbesitzes trennen. Der Zeitpunkt dafür ist denkbar ungünstig. Die Firmenwerte sind im Keller, das wirtschaftliche und politische Umfeld ist unsicher. Potenzielle Käufer brauchen einen Hang zum Zocken. Hamburg – Auf einmal konnte es nicht schnell genug gehen. Eilig beschloss die griechische Regierung in dieser Woche, einen Großteil des ... Read more

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Pitfalls in privatization in Greece – Sale is expected to bring 50 billion EUR

by ORF 50 Milliarden Euro soll Griechenland durch Privatisierungen von Staatsunternehmen bis 2015 einnehmen. Anteile an der staatlichen Telefongesellschaft OTE, der Postbank und Häfen in Thessaloniki und Piräus sollen „sofort“ verkauft werden, hieß es vonseiten der Regierung. [...] Read more

Open Article

Why successful M&A now depends on getting your ducks in a row as early as possible.

by CFO Magazine By the time Cisco Systems announced its acquisition of Norwegian videoconferencing company Tandberg last April, company executives had spent the better part of a year traveling to, working in, and thinking very hard about the Oslo-based technology firm it was about to buy for $3 billion.[...] Read more

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The appetite for acquisitions in Austria increases

by Wirtschaftsblatt Nach den mageren Jahren im Markt für Fusionen und Übernahmen (M&A) belebt sich das Geschäft langsam wieder. Bereits im Vorjahr hat sich der Markt in Österreich stabilisiert, aber es war noch ein Übergangsjahr für ein deutlich aktiveres 2011. Dafür sprechen gut gefüllte Kriegskassen der Unternehmen und günstige Bewertungen. [...] Read more

Open Article

Madoff Pushes Medici To The Brink

by Forbes Bank Medici upset Austria's financial system last month when news emerged that it was one of many banks around the world that were exposed to Bernard Madoff's alleged Ponzi scheme. Now it seems that in spite of the best efforts of its board and its majority shareholder, Sonja Kohn, the bank is on…

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Übernahmefieber vorbei – frostige Zeiten in Österreich

by Wirtschaftsblatt Anzahl und Volumen bei Übernahmen und Akquisitionen 2008 weltweit gesunken. Interessantes Detail: Österreicher wickelten mehr Deals im Osten als im Westen ab. [...] Read more

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Available Programs

International Mergers & Acquisitions Expert (IM&A)

This training goes beyond the introduction level and theoretical concepts as it’s designed with ready-to-use tools and practices for industry professionals. Every session is crafted and taught by our M&A veterans who share their insights and know-how gained through years of real-world practice.

Mergers & Acquisitions Professional (M&AP)

The Mergers & Acquisitions Professional (M&AP) is a program designed to meet the needs of auditing, consulting, deal advisory, investment banking, and legal professionals. The M&AP covers all aspects of the transaction process and provides insight into running a successful M&A boutique. Gain knowledge in best practices for the M&A process, valuation, due diligence and also for a unique module on Running a Successful M&A Practice. Gaining the M&AP designation signals to employers, colleagues and clients that you invest in being the best M&A practitioner you can be.

Legal Mergers & Acquisitions Expert (LM&A)

Promising deals can go awry because of poor understanding of legal aspects or simply, a lack of preparation and negligence. The Legal Mergers and Acquisitions Expert certification training program covers all relevant topics within the M&A process from a legal standpoint: pre-deal, during due diligence and negotiations, as well as post acquisition. Join a global network of legal experts and M&A professionals interested in legal issues and become a LM&A Charterholder!

Certified Post Merger Integration Expert (CPMI)

The Certified Post Merger Integration Expert (CPMI) is a tailored program to address the needs of advisors, Human Resource professionals, Project Managers, management consultants, change specialists, corporate M&A and integration teams. The program covers all aspect of the post-merger integration process from planning to implementation. The CPMI program is the only globally oriented Post Merger integration certification in existence and is internationally recognized.

HR Mergers & Acquisitions Expert (HRM&A)

The HRM&A program is designed to meet the needs of Human Resource professionals involved in M&A transactions in both corporate and consulting roles. The HRM&A program covers all aspects of the transaction process relevant for HR including strategy, due diligence, Post Merger Integration (Best of PMI), and compensation and benefits. Gain knowledge in best practices for the M&A process and better understand the HR function and its significance during pre-deal or the post-merger integration phase. The HRM&A designation prepares HR practitioners in preparing for the challenges and practical realities of M&A transactions.

Valuation Training with Prof. Aswath Damodaran

The objective of the training is to provide the fundamentals of each approach to valuation, together with limitations and caveats on the use of each, as well as extended examples of the application of each.

International Hospitality Mergers & Acquisitions Expert (IHM&A)

As a dedicated training for professionals involved in transactions in the hospitality industry this program does not only provide introduction to M&A and its theoretical concepts but is designed with ready-to-use tools and practices for industry professionals. Every session is crafted and taught by our M&A veterans and Hospitality experts who share their insights and know-how gained through years of real-world practice.

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