In The News

The Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances is a not-for-profit think tank and the only globally recognized association for M&A.

Our faculty and M&A experts are frequently sought after commentators in international media. Among the renown newspapers are Financial Times, Le Monde, New York Time and Wall Street Journal, news agencies like Bloomberg, Dow Jones, and Thomson Reuters or Television as Bloomberg and CNN. Below you find a collection of our faculty and Institute “in the news”.

IMAA and Faculty in the News

Bức tranh vốn đầu tư gián tiếp

by The Saigon Times Một năm rưỡi trở lại đây, hoạt động mua bán, sáp nhập doanh nghiệp (M&A) tại Việt Nam đã sôi động trở lại. Các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài vẫn là những nhân tố chính trên thị trường nhờ các thương vụ giá trị cao, phổ biến từ 30-100 triệu đô…

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Firms eager to buy into Vietnam’s M&A market

by The Voice of Vietnam Economic boundaries opening wider thanks to free trade agreements (FTAs) are forecast to expand the Vietnamese mergers and acquisitions market, although these new opportunities may come at a price. Dr Christopher Kummer, president of the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliance, said Vietnam has climbed the ranks as an active…

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Giai đoạn 2016-2020, hoạt động M&A tại Việt Nam sẽ bùng nổ

by viethaingoai Hoạt động M&A tại Việt Nam được dự báo sẽ bùng nổ vào giai đoạn 2016-2020. Viện Mua lại, Sáp nhập và Liên kết – IMAA Thụy Sỹ dự báo, năm 2016, quy mô M&A tại Việt Nam có thể đạt mức 600 thương vụ với tổng giá trị 6 tỷ USD, phá…

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Top winners of Vietnam M&A Forum 2016 awards announced

by Vietnam Investment Review The Vietnam M&A Forum 2016 announced last night the winners of Vietnam’s top merger and acquisition deals. Christopher Kummer, president of the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances, noted that M&A transactions in Vietnam are on the rise, which helped the country climb the ranks as an attractive M&A location worldwide,…

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Experts: M&A activity continues strong growth

by vietnambreakingnews Experts at a major forum in HCMC painted a rosy picture for merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in Vietnam, saying the accumulated value of deals would continue leaping in the coming years after reaching new highs last year. Christopher Kummer, president of the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA), said M&A activity…

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New developments aid merger & acquisition activities

by vietnamnews New developments have brought opportunities for Merger and Acquisition deals made between foreign investors and Vietnamese firms, according to speakers at the M&A Forum Việt Nam 2016 held today by the Việt Nam Investment Review in HCM City. The Government in the 2016-2020 term is making every effort [...] Read more

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M&A transactions valued at over USD3 billion in first half

by talkvietnam This was revealed in a press conference for M&A 2016 forum, held on July 25th in Hanoi. Professor Christopher Kummer, President of Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA), said that so far this year, Vietnam has made big progress on the global M&A rankings when the country climbed to the 20th place…

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Vietnam ranked 20th position in M&A Global Activity Ranking Table

by vietnamnet Value of mergers and acquisitions (M& A) activities of Vietnam exceeded US$ 3 billion in the first six months of 2016. According to President of the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA) Christopher Kummer, Vietnam currently stands the 20th position in the global M&A market with its nearly 400 deals. [...] Read…

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Alcoa – Abspaltungen lohnen sich

by Wirtschaftswoche Der Aluminiumkonzern Alcoa trennt sein Geschäft in zwei Sparten - eine gute Entscheidung. Eine Reihe großer Abspaltungen beschäftigt derzeit die Konzernwelt: Angefangen bei Ebay und Paypal über Bayer und Covestro, Reckitt Benckiser und sein Pharmageschäft, LVMH und Hermès bis hin zu Alcoa in dieser Woche. Der Trend scheint ungebrochen – und die Idee…

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