Inter-dependencies in Merger Integration Planning

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  • #134367

    Interdependencies are often cited as critical yet challenging aspects of successful integration. How have you effectively managed interdependencies between key central functions such as Finance, IT, and HR in past integrations? For instance, who should ultimately determine the ERP system to be used? Finance, as they understand the requirements, or IT, given the potential complexities of including supply-chain or customer information? How do you navigate situations where the nature of the businesses being merged (e.g., a production company and a servicing company) adds further complexity to such decisions?”

    Bob Milos

    The integration process should be organized into distinct workstreams, each focused on addressing a specific complexity. For example, selecting the ERP system should be treated as its own workstream. The team responsible for this task should include representatives from Finance, IT, and other relevant functions, rather than being composed solely of individuals from one department. This approach ensures a holistic perspective and helps the team meet the requirements of the entire organization while aligning with broader integration goals.

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