The Art of M&A Integration (Second Edition)

Book cover of The Art of M&A Integration in IMAA e-library

Nearly half of today’s executives attribute M&A failure to poor integration between merging businesses. This thoroughly revised edition of The Art of M&A Integration provides you with updated facts on integration of compensation plans, new FASB and GAAP accounting rules, strategies for merging IT systems and processes, and more.

Mergers & Acquisitions: Strategien, Abläufe und Begriffe im Unternehmenskauf (essentials)

Book cover of Mergers & Acquisitions : Strategien, Abläufe und Begriffe in IMAA E-Library

Das essential vermittelt den typischen Ablauf von M&A-Transaktionen aus Käufer- und Verkäufersicht. Neben der Darstellung der einzelnen Prozessschritte und praktischen Herausforderungen von der Due Diligence bis hin zu Signing und Closing erläutert der Autor auch die üblichen Verhandlungsstrategien und Motive der Beteiligten eines Unternehmenskaufs. Rechtliche Aspekte der erforderlichen Dokumente (NDA, LOI, Due Diligence Report, Kaufvertrag) werden dabei … Read more

Making Mergers and Acquisitions Work: From Strategy and Target Selection to Post Merger Integration

Book cover of Making Mergers and Acquisitions Work in IMAA E-Library

For many industries, mergers and acquisitions have become the main pathway for reaching strategic objectives like growth, technological leadership, or efficiency in production and distribution. However, the success rate of most M&A deals is low – and flawed. Unrealistic synergies, wrong target selection, culture clashes and, most of all, weak post-merger integration processes pose huge … Read more

Post-Merger Management : Value Creation in M&A Integration Projects

Book cover of Post Merger Management - Value Creation in M and A in IMAA E-Library

Companies acquire and merge to generate accelerated value growth. But merger integrations pose an enormous challenge to organisations: they are fraught with over-inflated expectations of making rapid synergy gains, laden with pitfalls inherent to complex organisational change, charged with emotion and are often influenced by socio-psychological dynamics. This complicated situation poses risks, and it is … Read more

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