How do you structure your All-Hands Meetings?

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  • #119857
    Wiebke von Ahsen

    Regular meetings to manage progress are important, and it’s crucial not to be the sole speaker. Any tipps for me as newbie?


    Traditionally, we schedule our first “All Hands Meeting” very early in the integration process…we invite all the employees, plus their significant others, to have dinner with the entire local management team. Generally speaking, HR topics are top of mind, and we make sure to have the appropriate people from our side to answer, along with handouts for a tangible take away. The general tone is to promote business continuity – including employee retention.

    Jeffrey Groom

    I’ve seen this during ‘Day 1’ activities where we’ll have a welcome reception with schedule of presenters to welcome and provide information on getting acclimated to the company, our culture, history, strategy for future and how the acquisition and new staff play an important role moving forward. Followed by other activities to engage and welcome new staff.

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