AI potential for due diligence during M&As

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  • #101159
    Luke Sexton

    Artificial intelligence offers enormous potential for due diligence during M&As.

    For deal makers, the use of AI will allow companies to accelerate their target identification and evaluation of potential acquisitions. Particularly in due diligence, AI technology has the potential to enable greater efficiency in understanding and evaluating target company data, while also deepening the sophistication of diligence being carried out.

    Mark Butikofer

    I’ve just completed several weeks of researching M&A use cases for AI and will present to our Director of Strategic Investments & Manager of Automation & AI this next week.

    The recommendation will be for my company to conduct a PoC of one of the use cases to adopt more broadly.

    Ching Wi Karin Chua

    It will be good to have AI generate value to the DD process to generate the efficency and remove any biasness in forming the opinion.

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